Tuesday, March 01, 2005


Do I feel a little silly right now or what...

Ever ask 'why me'? Tonight, the shower was on forever - long enough so the hot was turned on all the way until even that went cold. The bathroom door opens with a waft of nice, hot, steamy air. Guess what happened then... Yep, the smoke detector goes off. I immediately phone the maintenance people for my building and I am informed the fire department has already been dispatched. Oh great. I immediately do all of the important things first: put on a bra, put on pants, hide the empties, organize my shoes at the door...

Three firemen come barrelling through the front door and start scoping out the place. Here I am making excuses for the dust bunnies on the floor, for the paperwork which is scattered everywhere, for my jacket that I didn't hang up. Then I start to rattle off part of my life story when I notice that there is a small crowd forming outside. It is then that I realize that ALL of the alarms in ALL of the units were blaring and everyone is trying to figure out who the hell is the culprit. Doh!

Meanwhile, there are FIREMEN wandering around my bedroom, in my bathroom, in my kitchen... and I am still worried about dust bunnies! Two of them leave and I'm still chatting up the lone fireman left in my house. That's when the chief comes in and yells, "The alarm didn't go off in this unit!"

And then there were none...no more firemen, just me worrying about whether or not they noticed there were still dishes in my sink. Yep, glad I've got my priorities straight.


Blogger DrinkJack said...

You were just wanting to meet a nice young fireman so you pulled the alarm. Although, if that was the case, then I am confused about the bra thing...

Wednesday, March 02, 2005 7:53:00 p.m.  

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