I've been having a harder time getting to the computer to post lately. I'm not sure if I really have anything interesting to say. Today, I just wanted to start typing and see where it takes me.
Hmmm... what's on my mind...that I can share....Ok... I've backspaced 9 times already. Make that 10 times...
Ok, here we go. If you want to find out the "essence" of some one, if you want to find out their true nature, what would you ask this person?
Here is my question:
You and your friend both want to eat a banana. You go to get a banana, and you notice there is only a good banana and a bad banana left. How would you solve this dilemna?
How about you answer this and give me one question that you would ask.
Hmmm... what's on my mind...that I can share....Ok... I've backspaced 9 times already. Make that 10 times...
Ok, here we go. If you want to find out the "essence" of some one, if you want to find out their true nature, what would you ask this person?
Here is my question:
You and your friend both want to eat a banana. You go to get a banana, and you notice there is only a good banana and a bad banana left. How would you solve this dilemna?
How about you answer this and give me one question that you would ask.
Make banana bread!
You and your friend are walkig down a path and a duck asks you for a drink, but you have already downed that duck's bottle, how would you solve this dilemna?
I would let my friend have the banana..
This was an interesting post anyway.. I enjoyed it.
Drink more jack. I will think more on that question...
Have an awesome day.
Thanks for your answers!
Jack - I'd bring my friend home and share my Cabernet.
Shylo - I'd let my friend have the good banana too, why, that's my nature. I do like the banana bread idea though.
Brent - Can we have too many friends? The older I get, the fewer people I consider my close friends. I've got a great group of buddies, but it's my close friends that really know me... and like me anyways. :)
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