Friday, June 17, 2005


I'm finally in a better head space. I've been wanting to blog, but all I could ever think up of was negative things to say. Things are going better today. It's been a rough week, but things are really moving in a good direction.

You know what I just noticed as I was sitting here typing in my tank top? I have a farmer's tan! How did that happen?! I didn't realize I was getting so much sun, we've had such crummy weather. I'm going to have to work on that or people are going to start buying me John Deere paraphernalia. (Who knew that's how you spelled paraphernalia?)

I've been asked to apply for two different jobs this summer. I feel honored to even be given special consideration for them. Both are incredibly interesting and would be great for the resume. I would like to take at least one of them on, but when I looked on the calendar, I've somehow lost my July. I don't know how I'm going to be so many places all at once. I need a personal assistant.

Oooo, wouldn't that be fun!! Gee, I'm grinning ear to ear. What things/tasks would you get an assistant to do for you?


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