Saturday, November 05, 2005

Saturday evening ramblings...

Man, was I in the right place at the right time yesterday. It's like the past 2 years of work came together in one momentous day of networking, meetings, and shameless self-promotional verbage. Now, I must sit and patiently wait for everything to play out... Have I mentioned before that I'm not the most patient of peoples?

I woke up early, I've been going to bed so early this week, it's kinda freakin me out. I'm usually such a night hawk, and lately, I've been asleep before 9pm. So... I wake up at 7am, start reading my book, which I just started, and read until just after 10am. Ah, what a wonderful lazy Saturday morning. I get a coffee, go back to bed to continue reading, and then, in my book, there is a beautiful, slightly erotic, love story unfolding... what do I do? Start crying. I'm hopeless. Sigh...
I finished my book and now I miss it. I want to know more, I want these characters back in my life so I can vicariously live through them. What a great escape that was. Mindless, pointless, extravagant reading... what are weekends for? (Don't answer that, because, yes, I could have thought of many many many many other things I could be doing this weekend.)


Blogger DrinkJack said...

See, that sounds like a great Sunday to me .... may the networking executive deity council vote in favor of your future :)

Saturday, November 05, 2005 8:18:00 p.m.  

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