Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Just like that, the doc walks in, says it's benign, and walks out... in stunned silence, I walk out of the office and immediately hit retail therapy with the vendors in the hospital. I had a lovely lady put together earrings from some beautiful stones I picked out, paid half price... I then drove to the "refreshment" store to stock up on liquid therapy for this evening... I'm barely on my second sip, so I'm just getting started really.

I'm waiting to relax now... I've been so wound up the last few days, I find I don't sound like "me", I don't act like "me"... this experience has changed me on a fundamental level. It seriously made me shift my core values... primarily the need to take care of myself. This experience has also scared me. It's hard to admit I was scared. Fear is something I've conquered again and again... but not this kind of fear.

I'm a little worried for that first person that tells me "I told you so... I told you that everything would be alright." I'll have to practice my toothiest grin just for that brave soul....


Blogger Froggy Woogie said...

I saw you on Ole Blue's blog.
Your post is very touching. Congratulations and big hug if I may.

Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:59:00 a.m.  

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