Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Spiced Hearth

That's the name of this new pot-pourri I got. Mmmmm. It's like pumpkin pie and cinnamon apple crisp put together.

I'm not used to having so much time at home. I'm struggling with trying to relax and let things go as well as using this time to furiously catch up and work ahead. I find myself on this computer way too much. I'm going to have to start shutting it off and barricading my desk. After posting of course.

Sometimes I miss the more carefree days I used to live. Granted, there was a lot more drinking, smoking, and well... other things which require an attentive energetic adventurous partner. Hee hee.


Now, I find I am no longer satisfied with aimlessness (is that a word?). I crave direction and focus. I long for that "settled" feeling where I know where I am supposed to be and know what I am supposed to be doing. I have moved soooooooooooooooooo many times in my life. For once, I want to know that I will see the next spring and the spring after that and the spring after that - gasp - in the same place, the same town, the same city, the same country. Has my wanderlust dissipated. Could it be?


Blogger DrinkJack said...

Could it be that youth has be overtaken by the wants of rooting?

Wednesday, March 30, 2005 8:13:00 p.m.  
Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

I am trying to get rid of those days of drinking, smoking, chasing wild women at the am hours. One gets awfully tired doing all that, especially when I can't seem to catch any of those wild women as they run away screaming.


Friday, April 01, 2005 1:15:00 p.m.  

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