Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Dear Blabby...

(That's Blog and Abby put together for those of you old enough to remember Dear Abby...)

I'm used to being in high pressure situations. I'm a multi-tasker extraordinaire. I thrive and secretly seek adrenalin infused moments. As I get older, I'm realizing that this is a fix that I've fed with the sports I've done, the jobs I've taken on, and the relationships I've had. When I look at my reflection in the mirror, sometimes I really do see the Supergirl cape that I love to adorn.

A supervisor I recently had told me that I should tone down - she says "you've just done everything and been everywhere - you think you can do anything." True to my Saggitarian nature, I honestly responded, "well, I can." It wasn't until later that I realized that she was trying to put me down, that she was insulting me.

The problem with this(perhaps naive)optimism/enthusiasm/reckless/ ambitious behavior, is that I don't always give myself permission to enjoy "downtime". I did absolutely nothing constructive last night and today I'm beating myself up for all of the things I could have accomplished but didn't. Sigh. Is there a program for people like me? Is there a way to perhaps weed some of the childhood-infused Catholic guilt that seems to plague me every now and then? Could I possibly be (gasp) the chronic-overachiever I've been accused of so often?


Blogger Ole Blue The Heretic said...

Just relax and do nothing and watch...you will die anyway.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005 2:47:00 p.m.  
Blogger Red said...

Hey Chica,

Too bad we don't live closer together. We'd deffinately have to go out for a drink. I'm the same freaking way and the only way to deal with it is humour and alcohol. *snerks*

btw.... I can't get to Jack's blog... what's up with that?

Thursday, May 26, 2005 4:45:00 a.m.  

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