Saturday, January 14, 2006

In the blink of an eye...

I had an impromptu job interview for a "dream job" yesterday. Things went very well and hopefully I will be called back for an official interview next week. Send good thoughts for me out there! ;)

I have company coming this evening... nothing like company to fire me up to eliminate any and all dustbunnies, streaks in the windows, and any and all laundry. My mother passed on this company paranoia. There are few people who have actually seen my place messy - surprise, they are the closest of my closest friends. When I have a man in my life, there is never ever ever a thing out of place. Weird really. I'm sure some psycho-analyzer would have plenty to say about that...

Well, I'm off - uh oh, there's a picture that's crooked... sigh... my work is never done...


Blogger DrinkJack said...

Wishing you all the best in the job front. They would be stupid as hell not to snatch you up in an instant.

No comment on the cleaning ... especially the thought that YOU have to keep the place spotless when you have a man around. I am bitting my tongue.

Saturday, January 14, 2006 5:29:00 p.m.  

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